JUDUL:Students' Challenges on the Use of Google Classroom in Online English Learning
PENGARANG:Rahmita Azizah




Azizah, Rahmita. 2022. Students' Challenges on the Use of Google Classroom in Online English Learning. Sarjana’s Thesis, English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Hj. Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd., the second advisor: Elsa Rosalina, M.Pd


Keywords: students’ challenges, Google Classroom, online learning


Online learning is distance learning that requires an internet connection to be accessed electronically. Google Classroom is one of the media that can be used in online learning. This research aimed to find the students’ challenges in using Google Classroom in Online English learning. In this research, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects were thirty-two students in ninth grade at MTSN 2 Hulu Sungai Tengah. The instrument of this research used a questionnaire and interview. There are 20 questions in the questionnaire. While in the interview, the question given was eight questions. Based on the results of the research, the students experienced challenges in using Google Classroom for online English learning. The challenges were students' activity in online learning using Google Classroom, students' interest in online learning using Google Classroom, students' attention in online learning using Google Classroom, and resources in online learning using Google Classroom. The findings are expected to improve and optimize the use of Google Classroom and similar media and improve and vary the learning methods provided to students. It is also recommended that teachers be more active in stimulating students to participate more actively in class. The students can recognize their challenges with using Google Classroom through this research, so they can learn from this research and are able to maximize the use of Google Classroom.Thus, this media can be useful by increasing students' understanding and learning effectiveness.



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