PENGARANG:Muhammad Husni


Muhammad Husni, D1C114273, 2021, Strategi Komunikasi Pemerintah Banjarmasin Dalam Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19). Dibimbing oleh Atika, S.IP, M.Si selaku dosen pembimbing I dan Muhammad Muthahhari, S. Ikom, M.Ikom selaku pembimbing II.

            Saat ini, Negara Indonesia sedang menghadapi tantangan besar yaitu masalah penyakit Covid-19 atau Corona Virus Disease 2019. Covid-19 merupakan virus yang menginfeksi sistem respirasi pada manusia berupa gangguan pernapasan akut hingga infeksi paru kronis. Covid-19 merupakan jenis terbaru dari corona virus yang dapat diderita manusia karena penularannya, penularan virus ini mendominasi kaum lansia dan minoritas diderita oleh anak, remaja dan dewasa. Pemerintah kota Banjarmasin bersama Satgas Covid-19 Banjarmasin menindaklanjuti bersama-sama berkolaborasi menyikapi persoalan itu agar tidak sampai terjadi penyebaran Covid-19 yang lebih luas lagi, sehingga Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM).

            Penyampaian mengenai bahaya Virus Covid-19 di kota Banjarmasin, perlu adanya sebuah strategi yang efektif. Sebuah strategi komunikasi yang efektif tidak hanya berupa pesan–pesan yang disampaikan bisa berdampak bagi khalayak, tetapi juga mendinamisasikan misi atau tujuan yang akan dicapai oleh sebuah organisasi tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya artikulasi yang jelas, kejelasan pesan, dan seleksi penggunaan sebuah media.

            Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kantor Dinas Kesehatan Banjarmasin, Jl. Pramuka Komplek Tirta Dharma (PDAM) Km.6 dengan mewawancarai informan penelitian sebanyak 1 staf di Dinas Kesehatan dan 2 orang tokoh maasyarakat.

            Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin melalui Dinas Kesehatan Banjarmasin sebagai SKPD yang tergabung dalam Satgas Covid-19 Banjarmasin menjalani beberapa tahapan strategi komunikasi. Di mulai dengan mensosialisasikan dan mengedukasikan tentang Covid-19 ke perumahan yang berada didalam gang-gang dan sungai-sungai dengan memanfaatkan Puskesmas yang ada di daerah kerja masing-masing, serta meyambangi ke beberapa titik tempat di Kota Banjarmasin yang berpotensi menjadi kerumunan. Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin bersama Satgas Covid-19 juga menggunakan media cetak dan elektronik seperti flyer, baliho, videotron, social media Instagram, toa-toa dilampu merah dan pos Satpol-PP sebagai sarana mensosialisasikan pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Satgas Covid-19 Banjarmasin juga konsisten dalam mengedukasi masyarakat Banjarmasin dengan setiap hari melakukan kegiatan tersebut.

Kata Kunci: Strategi Komunikasi, Sosialisasi, Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19), Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin, Komunikasi Publik




Muhammad Husni, D1C114273, 2021, Banjarmasin Government Communication Strategy in Preventing the Transmission of Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19). Supervised by Atika, S.IP, M.Si as supervisor I and Muhammad Mutahhari, S. Ikom, M.Ikom as supervisor II.

            Currently, the State of Indonesia is facing a big challenge, namely the problem of Covid-19 or Corona Virus Disease 2019. Covid-19 is a virus that infects the respiratory system in humans in the form of acute respiratory disorders to chronic lung infections. Covid-19 is the latest type of corona virus that can be suffered by humans because of its transmission, transmission of this virus dominates the elderly and minorities suffered by children, adolescents and adults. The Banjarmasin city government together with the Banjarmasin Covid-19 Task Force followed up together in collaboration to address the issue so that a wider spread of Covid-19 would not occur, resulting in the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

            In conveying the dangers of the Covid-19 Virus in the city of Banjarmasin, an effective strategy is needed. An effective communication strategy is not only in the form of messages conveyed that can have an impact on the audience, but also dynamics the mission or goals to be achieved by an organization. Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear articulation, clarity of message, and selection of the use of a media.

            This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The research location is at the Banjarmasin Health Office, Jl. Pramuka Tirta Dharma Complex (PDAM) Km.6 by interviewing research informants as many as 1 staff at the Health Office and 2 community leaders.

            The results showed that the Banjarmasin City Government through the Banjarmasin Health Service as SKPD who were members of the Banjarmasin Covid-19 Task Force underwent several stages of communication strategies. Starting with socializing and educating about Covid-19 to housing located in alleys and rivers by utilizing Puskesmas in their respective work areas, as well as visiting several points in Banjarmasin City that have the potential to become crowds. The Banjarmasin City Government together with the Covid-19 Task Force also use print and electronic media such as flyers, billboards, videotron, Instagram social media, prayers at red lights and Satpol-PP posts as a means of socializing the prevention of Covid-19 transmission. The Banjarmasin Covid-19 Task Force is also consistent in educating the people of Banjarmasin by carrying out these activities every day.

Keywords: Communication Strategy, Socialization, Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19), Banjarmasin Government, Public Communication

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