JUDUL:Analisis Usahatani Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) di Kecamatan Martapura Kabupaten Banjar



The productivity of South Kalimantan melon plants from year to year shows fluctuating conditions. This occurs due to erratic weather, such as a long dry season which makes it difficult for water to water the plants so that the plants experience less than optimal fertilization. This of course can affect the resulting output. This study aims to analyze the cost, acceptance, income, profit and business feasibility of melon (Cucumis melo L.) farming. In addition, it is intended to describe any problems that exist in melon farming. This research was conducted in Martapura Sub-District, Banjar Regency. The melon crop period is approximately three months from planting the seeds to harvesting. Based on the research results, the average total costs incurred for 1 (one period) amounted to Rp 20.190.883,- with an average revenue of Rp 42.525.000,- an average income of Rp 23.381.972,- and an average the profit obtained is Rp. 22.334.117, -. The feasibility of melon farming at three months of planting period obtained an average RCR value of 2.10, which means that melon farming in Martapura Sub-District is feasible. The problems faced by melon farmers include technical problems, namely an unfavorable climate so that the results obtained are not as expected. In addition, the availability of pesticides is limited so that pests and diseases that attack these plants can't be controlled optimally.

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