JUDUL:Kumpulan Cerpen "Teh dan Pengkhianat" Karya Iksaka Banu: Sebuah Analisis Pascakolonial


Aprialdy, Muhammad Irwan. 2020. Kumpulan Cerpen "Teh dan Pengkhianat" by Iksaka Banu: A Postcolonial Analysis. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Undergraduate Program at Lambung Mangkurat University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Sabhan, M.Pd .; (II) Dewi Alfianti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Key word : short story, postcolonial


Indonesia is a former Dutch colony for approximately 350 years. The remnants of Dutch colonization of Indonesia certainly influence Indonesia's historical and cultural identity. Indonesian literature cannot be separated from the influence of Dutch colonization. Postcolonial theory is a set of ideas that direct the attention of researchers to the relationship between culture and imperialism. The dan Pengkhianat is a collection of short stories by Iksaka Banu which highlights the life of the Indonesian people from the colonial period to the independence period. The researcher tries to examine the short stories by Iksaka Banu to find elements of postcoloniality in the topics of language and identity with canonical items, oddities of events, hybridity, mimicry, and ambivalence. Researchers used the observation method in examining postcoloniality in Iksaka Banu's short stories. Content analysis techniques are used in research to reveal latent content and communication content in each short story. The postcolonial critical approach theory from Day and Foulcher is used to reveal the postcolonial elements contained in the short story text. The results of the study show that postcoloniality in the category of language with canonical items and awkwardness of events is found in five short stories entitled "Kalabaka", "Tegak Dunia", "Sebutir Peluru Saja", "Indonesia Memanggil" and "Kutukan Lara Ireng". Meanwhile, postcoloniality in the identity category with hybridity and ambivalence items is found in the nine short stories studied. Postcoloniality mimicry is dominant in the four short stories entitled "Kalabaka", "Tegak Dunia", "Di Atas Kereta Angin", and "Belenggu Emas".

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