JUDUL:Pengaruh Pemberian POC+ Uine Kambing terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai Edamame Organik

The development of edamame soybeans (Glycine max (L) Merril) holds great promise. Since edamame soybeans are one of the commodities that are exported, increasing edamame soybean production can support both domestic and international markets. Utilizing POC and goat urine in the cultivation of edamame soybeans has the potential to boost production while also being beneficial to the environment and resulting in healthier edamame soybeans for consumption. The goal of this research was to figure out how organic edamame soybean growth and yield were affected by POC+ goat urine, as well as the best concentration of POC+ goat urine for organic edamame soybean growth and yield. This study was conducted for three months, from November 2021 to January 2022, on the farm of Pondok Pesantren Nurul Muhibbin Halong, Binjai Punggal Village, Halong District, Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan. A one-factor group randomized design (RAK) was used for the research. Five treatments were used to treat the factors that were observed: k0 = 0%, k1 = 5%, k2 = 10 %, k3 = 15%, and k4 = 20% with 5 repetitions, resulting in 25 experimental units. When compared to k0 the control, the results demonstrated that treatment k1 (5% POC+ goat urine) was successful in increasing plant height by 24.03%, the number of leaves by 12.59%, the number of fresh pods by 17.29%, fresh pod weight by 41.05%, and production by 41%.

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