JUDUL:Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Aplikasi Android Menggunakan Smart Apps Creator Materi Hidrolisis Garam di SMA Negeri 8 Banjarmasin
PENGARANG:Widya Utari Br Ginting S

Was a teaching material that is arranged systematically. This development research aims to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of e-module products. The research method used in this development research is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4D development model, namely: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The e-module was tested on 34 students of class XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 8 Banjarmasin. The results showed that the developed e-module was declared to be very valid in terms of the feasibility of content, presentation, language, and media aspects. The e-module has also fulfilled the practicality aspect. This can be seen from the activities of teachers using e-modules of 3,95 very good categories, and teacher activities in managing classes of 3,85 very good categories. The e-module has also met the effectiveness aspect as seen from the e-module readability questionnaire in the individual test of 3,4 very good categories, small group test of 3,5 very good categories, educators' responses of 3,4 very good categories, participant responses 3,0 students in the good category, and the average value obtained by students after answering the post-test questions of 85 is included in the very high category. The results of the study indicate that the product developed, namely the android-based e-module, has met the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness.

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