JUDUL:The Implementation of Teaching ESP at Tourism Department in Vocational High School

Methods of teaching and using English in a particular study or subject that meet the needs of an academic field or the professional needs of those who use the language are called English for Specific Purposes. ESP learners need language to improve their professional communication skills to perform specific work-related tasks. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the Tourism Department focuses on teaching English language skills and vocabulary that are specifically relevant to the tourism industry. The subjects to investigate the chances and barriers in the implementation of teaching ESP are an English teacher teaching in the tourism field at SMK Negeri 3 Banjarmasin and five students in Class 11-A Tourism. The use of qualitative research method in this study aims to identify chances and barriers to the implementation of teaching ESP in the tourism sector. Data collection is done through questionnaires and interviews. The data collection phase begins with answering questionnaires, followed by interviews conducted by researchers. There are chances and barriers to implementing teaching ESP in the tourism sector. The chances of implementing teaching ESP help students understand English learning, such as using tourism-related vocabulary in future work environments. Four barriers in implementation of teaching ESP are teaching opportunities, time management, varying levels of achievement, and self-efficacy. The benefits uncovered in this study have a positive impact on both teachers and students. This advantage is expected to be put to good use by teachers and students as well. It is expected that it will serve as a reference for future research. As for the existing obstacles, teachers and students should work together in minimizing existing obstacles by providing motivation and practicing together.


Keywords: Teaching ESP, Vocational High School, Chances, Barriers, Tourism Department

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