JUDUL:Inovasi Media Filter Berbahan Dasar Pasir Kwarsa Dan karbon Organik Kulit Buah Aren Untuk Proses Pengolahan Air Bersih Di PT. Air Minum Intan Banjar (Perseroda)

Population growth requires the provision of clean water that meets the standards. As a provider of clean water. PT.Air Minum Intan Banjar (Perseroda) needs to continue to innovate in the water treatment process. One of them is in the filtration process. The purposes of the research were to analyze the thickness variations of the filter media from Quartz sand and palm sugar peel in the filtration process, the water resulted from the filtration process through laboratory tests, and the Level of Technology Readiness for the innovation. The variations of filter media thickness, namely: 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, 60 cm and 1 control. The treatments were conducted with 20 repetitions which were taken randomly using the Complete Randomized Design (RAL) method. The samples from the treatment were analyzed in the laboratory to be compared to the parameters of Clean Water Standard from Permenkes No. 2 year 2023. The results of statistical data analysis with a significance score below 0.05 indicate that through a filtration process using filter media from quartz sand and organic carbon of sugar palm peels at various thicknesses of 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, and 60 cm are effective enough to decrease the parameter of turbidity, color, Fe, Mn, Nitrate and Nitrite. In the other hand, the parameters of pH and TDS were not significantly different between treatments and controls. The parameters of Sulfat and E. Coli could not be tested because they did not have any variation in the data. The Level of Technologi Readiness is 2 and Level of Innovation Readiness is at stage 1.

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