JUDUL:Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual

This material discusses two questions related to legal protection for victims of sexual violence and the concept of consent in a legal context. The first question highlights the differences in guarantees of legal protection for victims of sexual violence in the Criminal Code (KUHP), the Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS), and Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 30 of 2021. The research investigates the provisions contained in each law and regulation to find out the differences in legal protection provided, including in terms of the definition of sexual violence, criminal sanctions, prosecution procedures, and efforts to protect victims. The second question focuses on the importance of the concept of clear consent or consent in law to protect victims. This abstract examines the relevance of the concept of consent in law related to sexual violence, by considering how the definition and explanation of consent can affect the legal process, identification of victims, and understanding of perpetrators. In this context, the research also discusses efforts that can be made to clarify and strengthen the concept of consent in law so that victims of sexual violence can be given better legal protection.This abstract presents an understanding of the differences in guarantees of legal protection for victims of sexual violence in the Criminal Code, the PKS Law and Permendikbud 30/2021. It’s hoped that this research can provide further insight in developing an adequate and effective legal framework in protecting victims of sexual violence, as well as encouraging harmonization between existing regulations. Implementation of a consistent guarantee of legal protection and a clear concept of consent can help ensure that victims of sexual violence receive the justice they deserve, while providing encouragement for the community and related institutions to continue to improve efforts to prevent and deal with sexual violence.

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