JUDUL:Keanekaragaman Hama Pada Tanaman Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) yang Diaplikasikan Pupuk Organik Cair Kulit Nanas Dengan Berbagai Macam Starter

Landkale is a kind of vegetable crop that is widely favored by all levels of society, because the price is cheap and has a high nutritional content for health. So far, farmers still use chemical fertilizers in cultivating land kale, because chemical fertilizers are relatively easier to obtain in the market but less environmentally friendly. The use of chemical fertilizers in a relatively long term has proven to cause serious problems, such as soil and water pollution and decreased soil fertility. The use of liquid organic fertilizer is an example of a strategy to make inorganic fertilizers not being only fertilizers choice and by the time can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers. The materials needed in order to make liquid organic fertilizer is any waste of agricultural activities such as pineaple peels. One of the materials that can be used in making liquid  organic fertilizer is waste from agricultural activities such as pineapple peels. In the process of making  liquid organic fertilizer, the use of starter is needed to accelerate the process of decomposition by microorganisms. Pests in plants are one of the obstacles that are very disturbing in agricultural businesses in vegetable crops. In an effort to optimize kale production, data collection must be carried out on pests that can interfere with the yield and production of kale plants. Based on this background, research was conducted on the diversity of pests on land kale plants applied with pineapple peel liquid organic fertilizer with various starters. This research was conducted for 2 months from July to September 2022 at the location of Kalimantan Wahana Institute, Loktabat Utara, Banjarbaru. This research method uses a one-factor Randomized Group Design (RAK). The observed factor consisted of 4 treatments, namely P0 (control), P1 (200 ml stale rice MOL), P2 (rice washing water MOL), and P3 (yakult). Each treatment consisted of 6 groups, so there were 24 experimental units. The results of this study indicate that the application of liquid organic fertilizer with various kinds of starters can affect the diversity index in land kale plants.

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