JUDUL:Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Kulit Nanas Dengan Berbagai Macam Starter Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir)

Land kale are famous vegetables in the society and got a lot of demand by the people of Indonesia, especially in South Kalimantan region and become one of the vegetables that are often eaten. But in the process of growing kale, the use of inorganic fertilizers can not be separated from the way we treat the plant. As it is known, the use of inorganic fertilizers in long-term, could make the environment and physical properties of the soil got damaged. Inorganic fertilizers had achemical effects that can give rise to poisoning for plants if their use is too frequent and can interfere with survival microorganisms in the soil. The use of organic fertilizers is one of the way to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and can be the solution of environment damaged problems. Liquid organic fertilizers is one kind of the organic fertilizers that can be used. Besides reducing the over use of inorganic fertilizers, in the process of making liquid organic fertilizers also can minimize the waste from agricultural activities. That is because the main ingredient for liquid organic fertilizers are some waste from agricultural activities such as pineapple peels. Several ingridients are needed to complete the process of making liquid organic fertilizers, and Starter is one of them. In the manufacture the liquid organic fertilizers, wide kind variety of starter can be used such as rice stale, water used for washing rice and yakult. Based on this background, it is necessary to find out whether liquid organic fertilizer pineapple peel with various kinds of starter can affect the growth and yield of kale plants land. This research was held for a month from August to September 2022 at the location of the Institute Wahana Kalimantan Loktabat Utara Banjarbaru. The method of this research uses a one-factor randomized group design (RAK) and consisted 4 kind of treatments named P0 (control), P1 (MOL stale rice 200 ml), P2 (MOL rice washing water) and P3 (yakult). The total of experimental units obtained were 24, consisting of 4 treatments that repeated 6 times. The results of this research showed that applying liquid organic fertilizer with various starters can affect the growth of kale land.

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