JUDUL:Pengaruh Ekstrak Biji Bintaro Terhadap Serangan Hama Pemakan Daun Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.)


Pest attacks on pakcoy cultivation are one of the causes of production instability, resulting in
a decrease in yield of pakcoy plants. Plant conditions such as perforated and damaged
leaves due to pest attacks will reduce economic value, reduce consumer appeal and if the
attack occurs in large numbers it can cause losses and even crop failure. The attack of leaf
-eating pests on pakcoy cultivation can cause high damage and become a serious threat to
farmers if no control is carried out. One way that farmers manage pests is by using synthetic
pesticides. On the other hand, their environmental and health effects might worsen with
prolonged and excessive usage. So, instead of using synthetic pesticides, vegetable
pesticides might be used. Bintaro seeds might serve as the foundation for vegetable
insecticides due to their abundance of secondary metabolite components that are poisonous
to plant pests. Finding the optimal concentration of bintaro seed extract pesticides for pakcoy
(Brassica rapa L.) plants to minimize pest attacks and maximize yield was the primary goal
of this study, which aimed to assess the impact of these pesticides on the severity of pest
attacks and plant yields. Kurnia Street, North Landasan Ulin Village, Liang Anggang District,
Banjarbaru City was the site of the study. This research methods was Completely
Randomized Block Design (RCBD) approach with different concentration treatments were C0
(control), C1 (1%), C2 (1,5%), C3 (2%) and C4 (2,5%) as many as five replications, so that 25
experimental units were obtained with 5 samples. The treatment results of bintaro seed
extract with different concentrations on pakcoy plants significantly reduced the severity of
pest assaults on pakcoy plants, but had no discernible influence on pakcoy crop yield. The
best concentration of bintaro seed extract vegetable pesticide for pakcoy crop yield and
suppressing leaf-eating pests is in treatment C2 (1,5% bintaro seed extract).


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