JUDUL:Analysis Of The Priority Handling Of Enveromental Drainage Construction Project At Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Penataan Ruang Banjarbaru City

Flood is one of the main problems of big cities in Indonesia, including

Banjarbaru City. This is often caused by the not supportive existing drainage

capacity when compared to the increasing of crowded urban conditions and reduced

green open space. Handling of drainage including rehabilitation is necessary so that

drainage can function properly as expected. On the other hand the Banjarbaru City

Government has a limited budget each year that can be disbursed for drainage

handling. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze criteria and subcriteria that are

important in determining the priority of drainage handling. The ANP (Analytic

Network Process) method is analyzed using the criteria in the Minister of Public

Works regulation number 12/PRT/M/2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem

Drainase Perkotaan to determine priorities for handling environmental drainage

with important criteria, namely aspects of inundation, economic loss, social

disruption and government facilities, loss of disturbance. transportation, loss to

residential areas, and loss of personal property rights. Based on these 6 criteria,

priorities for handling environmental drainage in Banjarbaru City are determined.

Furthermore, an analysis is carried out to evaluate the priority of the choices that

occur. This study suggests to decision makers that ANP can be used to analyze

drainage management priorities in Banjarbaru City. This research focuses on

variables consisting of criteria or considerations which form the background for

priorities in handling the environmental drainage system in Banjarbaru City. The

primary data results obtained from the field survey were followed by analysis using

the ANP method with data tabulation calculations and assisted by Super Decisions

software to determine the priority scale for handling environmental drainage in

Banjarbaru City. The treatment priority scale in the Super Decisions software, the

data of which is based on field survey results and data tabulation calculations, found

that there are several locations that have a large priority scale but treatment has not

been carried out due to several factors that are not contained in Minister of Public

Works Regulation 12/PRT/M/2014 concerning Implementation of Urban Drainage


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