JUDUL:Pengggunaan Kaolin Dengan Aditif Tembaga (Cu) Seabagai Catalytic Converter Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang dan Performa pada Kendaraan bermotor Satria F 150

Use of Kaolin with Copper (Cu) Additives as Catalytic Converter Against Emis of Exhaust Gas and Performance on Motor Vehicles Satria F 150 

            The purpose of this study was to determine the use of ceramic-shaped catalyst additions to the exhaust channel of the Satria F 150 motorized vehicle. This study used the experimental method. The population in this study was F 150 satria motorbikes. The data in this research were CO2 gas, CO , HC. This research was carried out in the banjarmasin environmental service using a gas analyzer and was also carried out in the Banjarmasin Banjarmasin plug and play workshop using a dynamometer. The technique used in data collection was variations in rpm, mixtures and variations in holes. (1) The results of this study are the greatest increase in CO2 emissions with a maximum increase of 48.72% in composition A at idle rpm. While the content of CO compounds experienced the largest decrease of a maximum of 40.06% found in composition C at 5000 rpm. HC compounds also experienced the largest maximum reduction of 85.54% in composition B at 5000 rpm. (2) Using a catalytic converter with 15 holevariations produces a power of 11.42 HP and a maximum torque of 10.00 Nm and for catalytic converters with 19 hole variations producing power of 11.44 HP, and a maximum torque of 10.12 Nm

Keywords: emission, performance, exhaust, concentration of CO2, CO, HC

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