JUDUL:Pertumbuhan Fase Vegetatif Akhir Padi Mentik Susu dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Bakasang

Rice is the most important commodity as a staple food source for the population of Indonesia and even Asia. Rice production in Indonesia is one of the important things that can be maintained, namely by maximizing growth in the vegetative phase of rice plants. Milk mentik rice is cultivated organically which does not contain dangerous chemicals, an effort to fulfill nutrient needs in cultivating rice plants organically by utilizing organic material in the form of waste which is processed into liquid organic fertilizer. The liquid organic fertilizer used is Bakasang liquid organic fertilizer. This research aims to determine the effect of growth of the Mentik Susu rice variety on acid sulphate soil until the final vegetative phase and to determine the best concentration of Bakasang liquid organic fertilizer. This research method uses a 1 factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications, so that 20 experimental units are obtained. The treatment levels given were p0 (2 ml NASA liquid organic fertilizer/l (control)), p1 (1 ml bakasang liquid organic fertilizer/l), p2 (3 ml bakasang liquid organic fertilizer/l), p3 (5 ml organic fertilizer liquid bakasang/l), p4 (7 ml liquid organic fertilizer bakasang/l). Based on the research results, the application of Bakasang liquid organic fertilizer had a very real influence on the parameters of increasing plant height and number of tillers. The treatment that gave the highest mean parameters for increasing plant height and number of tillers was administering 7 ml/l of Bakasang liquid organic fertilizer.

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