JUDUL:Kualitas Air dan Karakteristik Tanah Penduga Erodibilitas pada Sub-Sub DAS Amandit Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan

Land management in the South Kalimantan, Amandit sub-sub watershed must pay attention to the principles of soil and water conservation to avoid negative impacts such as erosion and sedimentation. The aim of this research is to assess water quality and soil characteristics that predict erosion in the upstream, middle and downstream areas of the Amandit sub-sub watershed, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. Research Method this research uses a purposive sampling method by taking soil and water samples in the upstream, middle and downstream parts of the Amandit sub-sub watershed. In the upstream section soil samples were taken with a slope of 15-25%, in the middle section soil samples were taken with a slope of 8-15% and in the downstream section soil samples were taken with a slope of 0-8%. Soil samples were taken at each of 6 points representing the upstream, middle and downstream parts of the Amandit sub-sub watershed.  Water sampling is carried out in the soil sampling area by paying attention to the water flow in the river. The research results show that the water quality (pH, DHL, SAR, and TSS) in the Amandit sub-sub watershed area is in accordance with the quality of water for irrigation. Soil erodibility values ??in the upper and middle areas of the Amandit sub-watershed do not show significant differences. In the upstream part, soil erodibility has very low criteria and the middle part has low criteria but is different from the downstream area (medium criteria).

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