JUDUL:Modifikasi Tanah Pasang Surut Dengan Pasir Kuarsa Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kelolosan Air

The land in Pasir Putih Pantai Harapan Village, Bumi Makmur District, located in Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan, is a Type-A Tidal Wetland area and the soil is saline (saline). This village is right in the coastal area with an administrative area of ??18.50 km2. The aim of this research is to determine the difference in air flow in the vertical direction from tidal soil from Liang Agang Village with different amounts of quartz sand provided. As one solution to the problem of saline soil which is classified as clay, new innovations are needed by using quartz sand as a mixture in processing planting media in this soil. Because beach quartz sand has not yet been utilized optimally and is still limited to aquarium decoration material with low economic value. Some quartz sand contains elements such as iron (Fe), silicon (Si), lime (Ca), and so on in percentages that depend on the location of the quartz sand. This research used a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This research shows that several levels of quartz sand at 10%, 20%, and 30% as a mixture of planting media have not been able to reduce the pH value of the soil (ranging from 5.393 to 6.250), but have a significant effect on the highest electrical conductivity value of the soil, namely when applying sand. quartz 30% (288.667) and had a significant effect on the highest water escape, namely in the control (351.00).

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