JUDUL:Kontribusi Kelentukan Otot Punggung Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dan Keseimbangan Terhadap Kemampuan Tendangan Sabit Pada Atlet Pencak Silat Perguruan Tapak Suci Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah Putra Martapura

Penelitiaan  ini  bertujuaan untukk mengetahuii: 1) Ada tidaknyaa kontribusi kelentukann otot punggung terrhadap kemammpuan tendangan sabit padaa atlett perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura. 2) Ada tidaknya kontribusi daaya ledak otot tungkaii terhadap kemampuan tendangan sabit pada atlet perguruann tapak sucii pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura.   3) Ada tidaknya kontribusi keseimbangan terhadap kemampuan tendangan sabit pada atlet perguruan taapak sucii pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura.   4) Ada tidaknya kontribusi kelentukan otot punggung, daya ledak otot tungkaii dan keseimbangan terhadap kemammpuan tendangan sabiit pada atlet perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura.Metode penelitian yanng digunakaan dalamm penelitiaan ini adalahh metodee Expost facto dengan teknikk pengambilan dataa melalui tess dann pengukurann.Populasii  dalamm  penelitiaan  inii  adallah atlett perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura yang berjumlah 30 orang. Sehingga yang menjadi sampel berjumlah 20 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Kesimpulan: 1) Ada kontribusi antara kelentukan otot punggung terhadap kemammpuan tendangan sabiit pada atlet perguruan tapak sucii pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura. 2) Ada kontribusi antara daya ledak otot tungkai terhadap kemampuan tendangan sabit pada atlet perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura. 3) Ada kontribusi antara keseimbangan terhadap kemampuan tendangan sabit pada atlet perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura. 4) Ada kontribusi antara kelentukan otot punggung, daya ledak otot tungkai dan keseimbangan terhadap kemampuan tendangan sabit pada atlet perguruan tapak suci pondok pesantren darul hijrah putra Martapura.


Kata Kunci:Kontribusi, Kelentukan Otot Punggung, Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai, Keseimbangan, Kemapuan Tendangan Sabit.



This study aims to find out: 1) Whether or not there is a contribution to the flexibility of the back muscles to the ability of sickle kicks in athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura.2) There is no contribution of leg muscle explosive power to the ability of sickle kicks in athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah son of Martapura. 3) Whether or not there is a balance contribution to the ability of sickle kicks in athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura. 4) There is no contribution to the flexibility of the back muscles, the explosive power of the leg muscles and the balance of the ability of the sickle kick in the athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura.The research method used in this study is the Expost factoo methood with data retrieval techniques throughh testss annd measurementss.Tthe populationn iin thiss studyy were athletes from the sacred campus of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura, amounting to 30 people. So that the sample is 20 people with the sampling technique using purposive sampling technique.Conclusion: 1) There is a contribution between the flexibility of the back muscles to the ability of sickle kicks in athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura. 2) There is a contribution between the leg muscle explosive power of the crescent kick ability in athletes in the sacred boarding school of Darul Hijrah, Martapura's son. 3) There is a contribution between the balance towards the ability of sickle kicks in athletes at the sacred boarding school of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura. 4) There is a contribution between the flexibility of the back muscles, the explosive power of the leg muscles and the balance of the ability of the sickle kick in the athletes of the sacred campus of the boarding school of Darul Hijrah, the son of Martapura.


Key words:         Contribution, Determination of Back Muscle, Power of Leg Muscle Explosion, and Balance, Against the Strength of Crescent Kick.
















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