JUDUL:Translation Techniques in Translating Indonesian Cultural Terms In the Novel “Bumi Manusia”
PENGARANG:Yasmin Humairoh

Humairoh, Y. 2024. Teori Penerjemahan, Etnopedagogik, dan Etnolinguistik Dalam Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra (Chapter II: Translation Techniques in Translating Indonesian Cultural Terms into English in the Novel “Bumi Manusia”). BOOK CHAPTER EQUIVALENT TO SARJANA’S THESIS. English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M. Hum.

Keywords: Language, Culture, Cultural Terms, Translation Techniques.

Language and culture are an inseparable symbiotic relationship in human life. Language is a vital tool used by people for cultural expression and transmission. In the meantime, culture influences language development, contributing to variations in vocabulary, expressions, and communicative styles across different cultural groups. Even though language can help people communicate with one another, people are often limited by language barriers and it can be a problem for people who do not master the other language. To overcome language barriers faced by people who speak different languages translation can be a solution. This research is an attempt to reveal translation techniques classified by Molina and Albir that are used by a translator to translate cultural terms in the novel “bumi manusia”. This research is written based on library research, utilizing the qualitative approach supported by descriptive methods. It is found that the translator utilizes 12 translation techniques to translate cultural terms; there are adaptation, compensation, amplification, borrowing, calque, description, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, literal translation, particularization, and reduction. To achieve a good-quality translation, a translator not merely has to master both languages and cultures, but also translation techniques to yield an accurate, acceptable, and readable translation for the target language readers.

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