JUDUL:Analisis Kearifan Lokal Petani Padi Pada Lahan Pasang Surut Suku Banjar di Desa Sungai Telan Kecil Kecamatan Tabunganen Kabupaten Barito Kuala

Local wisdom is a part of geographical phenomena, shown by human interaction with the environment. Tidal rice farming, has a bahuma culture which is a unique form of adaptation carried out by the community to the environment influenced by the tides. The utilization of tidal swamp land by Banjar tribe farmers has been done for a long time in the development of rice farming, especially in Barito Kuala Regency. One of the factors behind the success of Banjar tribe farmers is that they have a local knowledge and wisdom. Along with the development of modern science and technology, there has been a shift in various social customs and culture in the field of farmers' lives. The purpose of the study was to analyze the forms of local wisdom that are still maintained by Banjar tribal farmers in managing rice farming on tidal land. The method used was qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques are (a) participant observation (b) in-depth interviews (c) documentation. data analysis techniques using Miles and Huberman data analysis and data triangulation. The results of the study that there are some local wisdom that is still maintained by the people of Sungai Telan Kecil Village in the process before planting rice (pre planting) and planting rice (planting), namely the knowledge of the community to start the farming period in the form of knowledge of the rainy season and land selection, Salamatan tradition in the form of preparing offerings of 41 kinds of cakes and river palas, selection of rice seeds, rice nurseries in the form of mamalai, malacak, mangkaranak, land preparation in the form of tabas buang, Determination of the calendar of good days to plant rice in the form of Arabic month system (hijriyah), planting rice (batanam) in the form of a celebration before planting rice and Use of traditional tools in farming in the form of machetes, tugal, and tatajuk. The Banjar tribe community in Sungai Telan Kecil Village still maintains local wisdom at the time before starting planting and the planting period.

Keywords : local wisdom, tradition, banjar tribe farmers, pre-planting and planting stages

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