JUDUL:The Morphological Errors in Writing of ELESP Students Batch 2022 of Lambung Mangkurat University


Damayanti, Alpa R 2023. The Morphological Errors in Writing of ELESP Students Batch 2022 of Lambung Mangkurat University. Sarjana’s Thesis, English Language Education Study Program. Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education., Lambung Mangkurat University. The first advisor: Dr. Novita Triana, S.Pd.,M.A., the second advisor: Emma Rosana Febriyanti, M.Pd.

Keyword: morphological error, writing, error analysis, dominant errors.


 Many EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students struggle with writing in English because they must consider not just the subject but also the vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. Because English grammar differs from Indonesian grammar in terms of systematic principles, students frequently make grammatical errors in their English writing, particularly at the morphological level.

 The purpose of this study was to determine the dominant morphological errors in the writing of English students. The subjects involved in this study were 25 students from Lambung Mangkurat University's English Language Education Study Program batch 2022. To acquire data, the researcher conducted a writing test. The students were given 90 minutes to write a narrative composition of at least 300 words, and tests were given twice. Furthermore, an error analysis of students' writing was used to identify the dominant morphological errors in their writing.

 The test results revealed that 22 of the 25 students made errors in their writing. There were 178 errors, including 152 errors (85,4%) in verb, 19 (10,7%) in verb, 5 errors in adverb (2,8%), and 2 errors (1.1%) in adjective. Apart from that, researchers discovered misspelling in students writing. There are 17 misspellings. In conclusion, the researcher concluded from the findings that verb morphological errors were the dominant morphological errors in student writing. The researcher suggested that students and English lecturers improve their learning of English grammar rules and structure.

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