JUDUL:The Use of Inductive Method in Teaching Simple Present Tense at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin



Zulfa. 2018. The Use of Inductive Method in Teaching Simple Present Tense at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Jumariati, M.Pd., the second advisor: Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, M.A.


Keywords: teaching, simple present tense, inductive method, deductive method


This research aims to find out whether there is any difference on students’ ability in using simple present tense of the seventh grade students taught by using inductive method and students taught by using deductive method at SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin. Inductive method starts with some examples from which a rule is inferred, while deductive method starts with the presentation of a rule and it is followed by examples in which the rule is applied.The method used in this research was quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. The samples of this research were 59 students. The experimental group was VII F which was taught by using inductive method, while the control group was VII D which was taught by using deductive method. The data were gathered through counting and interpreting the students’ pre-test and post-test.

 From the calculation result, the experimental group got the average score 45.31 in pre-test and 60 in post-test. The control group got average score 44.93 in pre-test and 56.33 in post-test. Based on the calculation using t-test, the calculated t-test was higher than t-table (2.16455 > 2.00247) at the significance level 0.05. Therefore, there was a difference between the experimental group and the control group.

Finally, it is suggested to teachers to use inductive methodin teaching grammar especially simple present tense, because inductive method can be used to stimulate students to enjoy the grammar learning.



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