JUDUL:Gambaran Proactive Coping Pada Gender Dysphoria



Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmelihatgambaran proactive coping pada gender dysphoria.Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatif. Fokuspenelitiannyaadalahpada proactive coping pada gender dysphoria. Proactive coping yang dimaksudadalah coping yang multidimensional danberorientasimasadepan. Proactive coping mengintegrasikan proses kualitasmanajemenhidupindividudenganpengaturandiridalammencapaitujuan. Proactive coping memilikienamaspek, meliputi proactive coping, reflective coping, strategic planning, preventive coping, instrumental support seeking dan emotional support seeking. Penelitianinimelibatkan 3 orang partisipan gender dysphoriadan 3 orang significant other. Ketiga subjek berdomisili di Kota Banjarbaru. Subjek I (25 tahun), subjek II (35 tahun), subjek III (36 tahun) merupakan pekerja salon. Meskipun ketiga subjek sama-sama gender dysphoria, namun ketiganya memiliki latar belakang hidup dan lingkungan yang berbeda. Perbedaan inilah yang kemudian mempengaruhi proactive coping pada ketiga subjek. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan teknik analisa data model Miles dan Huberman. Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwaketigasubjekmengalamistres danpenolakansertamenggunakan proactive coping dalammengatasistres danpenolakantersebutkarena gender dysphoria. Proactive coping yang dilakukanketigasubjekmeliputikeenamaspek, yaituproactive coping, reflective coping, strategic planning, preventive coping, instrumental support seeking dan emotional support seeking.Faktor yang mempengaruhi proactive coping adalahself efficacy, optimismdandukungansosial.


Kata kunci : Proactive coping, Gender dysphoria





The purpose of this study was to find out description of proactive coping of gender disphoria. This study was used qualitative research design. Focus of this study was proactive coping of gender disphoria. Proactive coping is meant by muktidimentional and future oriented coping. Proactive coping integrates the quality of life management processes of individuals with self regulation on acehieving goals. Proactive coping has six aspects, involve proactive coping, strategic planning, preventive coping, instrumental support seeking and emotional support seeking. This study has three subject with gender disphoria and three significant others. Three subject dimiciled at Banjarbaru. Subject I (25 years old), Subject II (35 years old) and subject III (36 years old) is working at beauty shop. Even the three subject with gender disphoria but the three subject has a different lifes and environtment backgounds, that makes influence a proacitve coping in three subject. Data analysis technique in this study was modeled by Miles and Huberman. The result showed that three subject experience stress and rejection by gender disphoria. Proactive coping was used three subject involve six aspect with proactive coping, strategic planning, preventive coping, intrumental support and emotional support seeking. The factors influence proactive coping was self efficacy, optimism and social support.

 Keywords: Proactive coping, gender disphoria

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