JUDUL:The Differences on the Achievement of the Students with Reading Interest in Social Science and the ones with Reading Interest in Natural Science

Septia. 2018. The Differences on the Achievement of the Students with Reading Interest in Social Science and the ones with Reading Interest in Natural Science. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisor I: Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, MA, Advisor II: Elvina Arapah, S.Pd, M.Pd.


Keywords : reading interest, social science and natural science, reading achievement


This research aim is to find out the difference in students’ reading achievement between students with reading interest in social science and reading interest in natural science of English Department Students Batch 2016 of Lambung Mangkurat University. This research is a descriptive-quantitative research, the researcher used a quatitiave approach and descriptive method. The samples were 74 students from English Department Batch 2016 which chosen by using purposive sampling technique. To collect the data, the researcher use questionnaire and documentations. The questionnaire wil be validated by a reading expert and the documentations will be taken from the lecturers of reading course.

Based on the result, it was found that p-value score is 0,293 which is less than t-table 1.66629 (0,293 < 1.66629), the t-score of indendepent t-test show the same result which is (-1.058 < 1.66629). It means there is no significant difference in reading achievement between students who have reading interest in social science and reading interest in natural science. The average reading achievement score between both groups were different but the difference was insignificant, and it was found in mean difference column that they have -1,325 mean difference score, which means the group Social Science have lower mean score than group Natural Science. Thus, H(1) was rejected and H(0) was accepted. Therefore, it is suggested for students to increase their reading interest and read more because high interest will likely result in better reading achievement.

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