JUDUL:A Descriptive Study on the Teaching of Speaking at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Al-Mazaya Islamic School Banjarmasin Academic Year 2018/2019


Syanun, Sitti Euis. 2019. A Descriptive Study on the Teaching of Speaking at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Al-Mazaya Islamic School Banjarmasin Academic Year 2018/2019”. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisor I: Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M.Hum, Advisor II: Dr. Nanik Mariani, M.Pd.

Keywords: Speaking, Teaching Speaking Method.


Speaking is the important language skill which is need special method in teaching English Foreign Language. There are kinds of method can be used by the English teacher in teaching speaking. Therefore, this research is related to teaching-learning process among the teachers and the students in teaching speaking. The research aim was to find the method used by the teacher in teaching speaking at tenth grade students and also the teaching technique and media they used to support teaching and learning process. It is also to find the problems that the teacher faced in English teaching speaking process in the used of teaching technique and media to the tenth grade students.

This research is a descriptive research design. The research subject was the English teachers in SMA Al-Mazaya Islamic School Banjarmasin. Two English teachers from tenth grade were selected as the research’s subject through total sampling. The instruments used were observation and interview.

From data analysis, it was found that the method used by the English teachers in teaching speaking was Communicative Approach, Direct Method and Community Language Learning and the teaching technique that the English teachers used was role-plays, interview, storytelling and game, while media to support the teaching-learning process was video and picture. The English teachers did not have problems in preparing media and the use of media in the classroom, from the interview’s finding most of the problems are come from the students. Some of the students lack of vocabulary and mostly very less in the mastery of English grammar. Also, some students are not confidence when they are asked to perform in front of the classroom.

Based on the research findings, it is suggested for English teacher experts not only on the language matter but they must have ability to manage class and to arrange the activities creatively for teaching speaking. The English teachers also must understand their roles in the classroom, so that the students can feel comfort during teaching-learning process. It will be easier for the teachers to handle the students if they feel comfortable. For future researchers, it is suggested to conduct another research related to this field which is about teaching speaking with more various instruments and also have larger sample in order to get better investigation.

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