


Pebridiantoro, 2018. Pre-questioning in Teaching Reading at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. SARJANA’S THESIS, English Language Education, FKIP, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. First Advisor: Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, MA,  Second Advisor: Moh. Yamin, M.Pd.

Keywords : pre-questioning, teaching reading

          The objective of this research was to study the implementation of  pre-questioning used in teaching reading  at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. The subjects of this research were two English teachers of SMA Negeri1 Banjarmasin. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative. The data were collected from observation and interview.

          The result of this research showed that the implementation of pre-questioning of  the first teacher was in both pre- and while- activities. The teacher provided some pre-questions to the students before she began to explain the material in pre-activities and on the process of explaining the material before the students read the text. In the first four meetings, she began to provide some pre-questions which focused on the elements of the text. During the reading activity, the students were asked to find the elements of the text, such as : the generic structure and the language features. In the last two meetings, she continued by using some pre-questions which focused on the content of the text. In the exercise, the students were asked to answer some questions related to the content of the text. Meanwhile, the implementation of pre-questioning by the second teacher was only in pre-activities. She provided some pre-questions which focused on the elements of the text and the content of the text, simultaneously. After the students were distributed the text, they were asked to read and answer some questions related to the content of the text.

There were two kinds of pre-questioning that mostly used by the teachers, such as : pre-questioning to confirm expectation and pre-questioning for general comprehension.

          In conclusion, pre-questioning is implemented in both pre-activities before the reading activity  and while-activities during the process of explaining the material. It is able to help the teachers in preparing the students to focus on the topic or material before the teachers begin the explanation. Besides, it is able to build the students’ background knowledge and interest related to the topic or material that they are going to learn. It is suggested to implement pre-questioning in teaching reading to attract the students’ interest, motivation, and build their background knowledge related to the topic or material that they are going to learn.





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