

Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2017 di Perairan Muara Sungai Kapuas Kabupaten Kapuas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.Muara Sungai Kapuas merupakan salah satu muara sungai yang mengalami sedimentasi yang cukup tinggi. Adanya proses fluvial (debit aliran Sungai Kapuas)dan proses marine (hidrodinamika Laut Jawa) sangat mempengaruhi tekstur dan sebaran sedimen secara spasial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tekstur dan sebaran sedimen di perairan muara Sungai Kapuas. Analisis tekstur dan sebaran sedimen dilakukan dengan metode megaskopis dan metode ayakan kering yang dihubungkan dengan kedalaman dari peta laut Pushidrosal Tahun 2015. Untuk mengetahui ukuran butir sedimen dan statistik sedimen meliputi D50, sortasi, skewness dan kurtosis dari jumlah 12 sampel sedimen dengan metode Purposive Sampling.Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tekstur sedimen di perairan muara Sungai Kapuas medium sand, fine sand danukuran butir sedimen sand, slight gravelly sand, dan gravelly sand selain itu, kondisi kedalaman juga mempengaruhi tekstur dan sebaran sedimen. Sebaran D50 berkisar 0,142 – 0,566 mm, sortasi berkisar 1,35 – 3,18, skewness berkisar -0,55 – 0,65 dan kurtosis berkisar 0,59 – 2,89.Berdasarkan kisaran sebaran tersebut dan pengaruh kedalaman perairan maka sebaran dan tekstur sedimen di perairan kearah muara Sungai Kapuas semakin kasar dan kearah laut semakin halus.

Kata Kunci : Sedimen, Tekstur Sedimen,Sebaran Sedimen, Statistik Sedimen, Muara Sungai Kapuas.



The research was conducted in July 2017 at the Kapuas River Estuary in Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan Province. The Kapuas River Estuary is one of the river estuaries that has high sedimentation. The presence of fluvial process (Kapuas River flow) and marine process (hydrodynamics of the Java Sea) greatly influence the texture and distribution of spatial sediments. This study aims to analyze the texture and distribution of sediments in the waters of the Kapuas River estuary. Analysis of the texture and spatial of sediments distribution were carried out using the megascopic method and dry sieve method associated with the depth of the Pushidrosal sea map in 2015. To determine the grain size of sediments and sediment statistics including D50, sorting, skewness and curtosis from 12 sediment samples using the Purposive Sampling method. The results showed that the texture of sediments in the waters of the Kapuas River estuary was medium sand, fine sand and grain size of sediment sand, slight gravelly sand, and gravelly sand besides that, the depth conditions also affected the texture and distribution of sediments. The D50 distribution ranged about 0,142 to 0,566 mm, sorting ranged about 1,35 to 3,18, skewness ranged about -0,55 to 0,65 and curtosis ranged about 0,59 to 2,89. Based on the range of the distribution and the influence of the depth of the water, the distribution and texture of sediments in the waters toward the mouth of the Kapuas River are getting more rough and getting refined toward the sea.

Keywords: Sediment, Sediment Texture, Sediment Distribution, Sediment Statistics, Kapuas River Estuary

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