JUDUL:Pengembangan Buku Ilmiah Populer Family Myrtaceae Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa

Norhaida Lutfiasari, 2019. Development of Scientific Popular Books Famili Myrtaceae in Improving Student Critical Thinking Skills. Thesis. The Education Biology of Magister Program. Adviser; (I) Dr. Dharmono, M.Si. dan (II) Dr. Hj. Atiek Winarti, M.Pd., M.Sc.


Keywords: Scientific Popular Books, Student Critical Thinking Skills, Famili Myrtaceae


The development of study by using local knowledge to grow ability of the critical thinking skills are still wide open to do. This study aimed to produce scientific popular books (BIP) the Myrtaceae Tabanio Forest is the valid, practical, and effective to improve the ability critical thinking skills students in the Botany Higher Plants studies. The methodology used is the research development by using a model Four D. The main subject in the research is 3 the experts and test subject is 30 student of Biology Education Lambung Mangkurat Universty. The validity of the data obtained from the 3 experts, the practicality data obtained from response 7 students and and implements BIP on the small test, the effectiveness of data obtained from increased capacity the critical thinking skills of the work of the practicum 30 students after using BIP on the field test. Research conducted to use average data analyzed and N-gain test. The research results show, that the validity of BIP developed based on the assessment experts perfectly valid category, practicality indicated by a response students and implements BIP with category of very good, and effectiveness of shown by increased capacity critical thinking skills students in studying Botany Higher Plants with medium category.

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