JUDUL:An Analysis On The Students' Grammatical Error In Writing Descriptive Text In Eight Grade Students Of SMP PGRI 3 Banjarmasin Academic Year 2016/2017


Hamidah, Nadia. 2019. An Analysis On The Students’ Grammatical Error In 

              Writing Descriptive Text In Eight Grade Students Of SMP PGRI 3 

               Banjarmasin Academic Year 2016/1017. Sarjana’s Thesis. English 

               Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung 

               Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dr. Noor Eka 

               Chandra, M.Pd, the second advisor: Dr. Rina Listia, M.Pd.

Keywords: Error Analysis, Grammatical Error and Writing

            The aim of this research are to find out and to analyze the students’ errors in 

writing descriptive text . The subjectc of this research were consisted 20 students 

in eight grade students of SMP PGRI 3 Banjarmasin. 

           The type of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The researcher 

use the descriptive qualitative method to describe and to analyze the grammatical 

error of the students in writing descriptive paragraph at the eight grade students of 

SMP PGRI 3 Banjarmasin.

           Based on data analysis, the total error that the students made from the first 

test and second test were 137 errors. The dominant frequency of total errors was

omission that had 65 errors (47.44%). Then, it was followed by misformation with

43 errors (31.39%). The last frequency showed a very contrast numbers with the 

others types of error was 29 errors (21.17%) of misordering.

            It is suggested that the students need to practice more in writing 

descriptive paragraph and the students have to pay attention to the rule of 

language features in writing descriptive text and they should be taught to apply it. 

Furthermore, the resercher also suggest that the teacher to pay attention more to 

the students and do some efforts to improve students ability in writing.

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