


Paraswanty, Novi. 2019. Pelanggaran Maksim Tutur dalam Debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019. Tesis. Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Jumadi, M. Pd,; (II) Dr. Zakiah Agus Kusasi, M. Pd.

Kata Kunci: Pelanggaran Maksim Tutur, Debat

          Judul pada penelitian ini adalah pelanggaran maksim tutur dalam debat pemilihan calon Presiden Republik Indonesia Tahun 2019. Judul tersebut di ambil karena saat penelitian ini sedang ramai-ramainya membahas tentang calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019, maka dari itu peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis isi tuturan dalam perdebatan pemilihan calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019. Perdebatan tersebut berkaitan dengan tindak tutur yaitu pelanggaran maksim tutur kualitas, kuantitas, relevansi, dan cara.

          Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan wujud pelangaran maksim dan mendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim dalam debat pemilihan calon presiden RI tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah Debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019.

          Hasil penelitian dari pelanggaran maksim tutur dalam debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019 ini terdiri dari lima rumusan masalah yaitu : (1) wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, (2) wujud pelanggaran maksim kualitas, (3) wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi, (4) wujud pelanggaran maksim cara, dan (5) fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim. Wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas terdiri dari pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang melebihi informasi yang dibutuhkan. Wujud pelanggaran maksim kualitas berupa pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang kurang meyakinkan, mengandung jawaban yang sama atau sependapat, dan mengandung jawaban yang bukti kebenarannya tidak benar. Wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi terdiri dari pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan, dan mengandung isi jawaban yang benar tapi tidak sesuai. Wujud pelanggaran maksim cara terdiri dari pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang ambigu, dan mengandung jawaban panjang lebar, bertele-tele. Fungsi tindak tutur memiliki empat fungsi yaitu: Fungsi representatifyang terdiri dari pernyataan penegasan,kesimpulan, fakta. Fungsi ekspresif terdiri dari pernyataan memuji, kesulitan, kesenangan, kesengsaraan. Fungsi direktif terdiri dari pernyataan menyuruh, memberi saran, perintah. Fungsi komisif terdiri dari pernyataan janji, penolakan, ancaman.

          Jumlah kesimpulan seluruh pelanggaran maksim tutur pada debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019 berjumlah total 41 pelanggaran maksim dan 41 data fungsi tindak tutur dari pelanggaran maksim tutur pada debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019.



Paraswanty, Novi. 2019. Violation of the Speech Maxim in the Presidential Candidates Election Debate of Republic of Indonesia in 2019. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Master Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Jumadi, M. Pd,; (II) Dr. Zakiah Agus Kusasi, M.Pd.

Keywords: Violation of Speech Maxim, Debate

              The title of this research is the violation of speech maxim in the 2019 Republic of Indonesia presidential election debates. The title was taken because when the research was conducted the discussion of presidential candidates of Republic of Indonesia in the 2019 became hot issue. Therefore, the researcher was interested in analyzing the contents of speech in debate of the presidential election of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. The debate was related to speech acts, namely the violation of speech maxim quality, quantity, relevance, and method.

            The purpose of this research was to describe forms of maxim violation and to describe the functions of maxim violation speech acts in the presidential candidate election debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. This study was a qualitative, by using descriptive method. The source of this research data was the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019.

            The research results of speech maxim violation in the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019 consist of 5 research problems, which are: (1) the form of quantity of maxim violation, (2) the form of quality of maxim violation, (3) the form of relevance of maxim violation, (4) the form of method of maxim violation, and (5) the functions of speech acts of maxim violation. The form of quantity maxim violation consists of statements containing answers that comprise the information needed. The form of quality maxim violation consists of statements that contain answers which are less convincing, and contain answers which are similar or agree to the questions, and also contain answers which the evidence is not true. The form of relevance maxim violation consists of statements which contain answers that are not relevance with the questions and contain the contents of the correct answer but are not relevance. The form of method maxim violation consists of statements which contain ambiguous answers, and contain long and wordy answers. The function of the speech acts has four functions: Representative function which consists of statements of affirmation, conclusion, and facts. Expressive function consists of statements of praise, difficulty, happiness, and misery. Directive function consists of statements of ordering, advising, and commanding. Commissive function consists of statements of promise, rejection, and threat.

           The total conclusion of all speech maxim violation in the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of Republic of Indonesia in 2019 consists of 41 maxim violation and 41 speech act function data from the speech maxim violation in the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of Republic of Indonesia in 2019.





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