JUDUL:Pemanfaatan Perpustakaan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah bagi Siswa SMA/MA/SMK di Banjarmasin


Library is a learning resource center whose function is to provide a place to keep library materials that can be used to add or fulfill the information needs. Regional library should”be used as a source”of historical”learning,”but in reality students and college students have not used”it as a source”of historical learning. This research is intended to describe how the general condition of the Regional Library of South Kalimantan Province, to describe how to use the Regional Library of South Kalimantan Province as a source of history learning for SMA/MA/SMK students in Banjarmasin. This research used descriptive method that describes the use of learning resources in the Regional Library of South Kalimantan Province as a source of historical learning for SMA/MA/SMK students in Banjarmasin. Sources of data in this research were the Head of Library Department, Library Service Officers, and 15 students of SMA/MA/SMK in Banjarmasin from various schools that visited the library. This research located in the Regional Library of South Kalimantan Province. The”data were collected by using observation, interview, and documentation. The”result of this research from the use of the Regional Library of South Kalimantan Province that it has 8312 titles of history book collection and 8790 copies and has the function as circulation services, mobile library services, kids library, deposit services and reference services. The utilization of historical learning resources in library has been low so far.


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