JUDUL:The Effectiveness of Pre-Questioning Technique on Reading Comprehension Achievement of Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 6 Banjarmasin 2018/2019

In teaching reading there were students who have problems in reading comprehension, in which they cannot understand and get the information of the text easily because they assume that reading was a boring activity. Pre-questioning can be used as a technique to build students’ interest, activate their background knowledge and also motivate them before they read the whole text by themselves. This study aimed to find out if there was any significant difference on students’ achievement in reading comprehension of descriptive text between the students taught by pre-questioning technique and those taught by inquiry method at seventh grade students of SMPN 6 Banjarmasin 2018/2019. This study used quantitative approach and quasi-experimental research. The researcher chose 61 students as the sample of the research by using cluster random sampling technique. Class VII-G that consisted of 29 students was chosen as the experimental class and class VII-H that consist of 29 students was chosen as control class. After the researcher gave treatment three times by using pre-questioning technique in experimental class and inquiry method in control class, it was found that the students’ average post-test score in experimental class was 78.27 while the students’ average post-test score in control class was 75.69. Moreover, t-test result was 2.4262 when the t-table was 2.003. This study proved that there was a significant difference on students’ achievement in reading comprehension of descriptive text after being taught by pre-questioning. Furthermore, the result showed that using pre-questioning is effective to increase students’ achievement in reading comprehension of descriptive text. It was suggested to the teacher to prepare the students before they read the whole text by using pre-questioning technique to help them comprehend the text well.

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