JUDUL:Pengaruh Bobot Benih dan Pemotongan Ujung Benih terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr)



Research on the effect of seed wight and seed cutting to the growth and yield of Dayak onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) merr) has been carried out in the Cempaka Sari complex,Cempakavillage,CempakaDistrict, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantanfrom April to August 2019. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with 2 treatment factors. The factors were seed weight ( large, medium, and small )and seed cutting ( without cutting, cutting of ¼ part, and cutting of ½ part ) and repeated 3 times so that the obtained 27 trials are obtained. The parameters observed in this research were the plant height (cm), the plant height increase (cm), the number of leaves (strands), the increase in the number of leaves (strands), the flower bloom time (dap), the number of tiller (clove),the number of tubers per plant (clove), total fresh weight of tuber (g) and total dry weight of tuber (g). The results showed that the interactionof various seed weight treatments and seed did not effect on the growth and yield of Dayak onions. The singletreatment of seed cutting significantly affected in the number of leaves (35, 91, 105, and 119 dap) and the increase in the number of leaves, also significantly affected in number of tillers, number of tubers per plant, and total dry weight of tubers. The best treatment of seed cutting to the growth and yield of Dayak onion was the seed cutting ½ part.


Keywords: Seed weight, seed cutting, medicinal plants, endemic plants.




Penelitian mengenai pengaruh bobot benih dan pemotongan ujung benih terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) telah dilaksanakan di lahan Komplek Cempaka Sari, Kelurahan Cempaka, Kecamatan Cempaka, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan pada bulan April sampai Agustus 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 2 faktor perlakuan yang terdiri dari faktor bobot benih (bobot ukuran kecil, sedang dan besar) dan faktor pemotongan ujung benih (tanpa pemotongan, pemotongan ¼ bagian dan pemotongan ½ bagian) dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan percobaan. Adapun parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah tinggi tanaman (cm), pertambahan tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (helai), pertambahan jumlah daun (helai), waktu munculnya bunga (hst), jumlah anakan (siung), jumlah umbi per rumpun (siung), bobot total segar umbi (g) dan bobot total kering umbi (g). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi perlakuan yang menggunakan berbagai bobot benih dan pemotongan ujung benih tidak menghasilkan pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang dayak. Perlakuan tunggal pemotongan ujung benih berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun (35, 91, 105, dan 119 hst) dan pertambahan jumlah daun, selain itu berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah anakan, jumlah umbi per rumpun, dan bobot total kering umbi.  Perlakuan pemotongan ujung benih menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang dayak terbaik pada pemotongan ½ bagian umbi.


Kata kunci: bobot benih, pemotongan benih, tanaman obat, tanaman endemik.

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