JUDUL:The Students' Perceptions on The Engagement of Using Small Group Discussion Technique in Learning English at SMKN 1 Banjarmasin



Rahmah, Nadya Auliya. 2019. The Students’ Perceptions on the Engagement of Using

Small Group Discussion Technique in Learning English at SMKN 1

Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The

first advisor: Dr. Nanik Mariani, M.Pd., the second advisor: Dini Noor Arini,



Keywords: Engagement, Perceptions, Small Group Discussion Technique 


The subject of this research was eleventh grade students of SMKN 1

Banjarmasin. Therefore, 108 students were taken as the sample by using purposive

sampling method. This research was aimed to analyze the students’ perceptions on the

engagement of using small group discussion technique in learning English. It is important

to know how the students’ perceptions on the engagement during the use of small group

discussion technique to help the teacher evaluate their learning strategy.

To solve the research problem, the researcher used descriptive method and

qualitative approach. Meanwhile, in collecting the data the researcher used the three

instruments namely observation, documentation, and the questionnaire. In analysing the

data, the researcher did three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. 

The research findings showed that the students had a good perception on the

engagement of using small group discussion technique in learning English. The students

believed that small group discussion technique was good to be used in learning English.

They stated that their relationship with the teacher and classmates become closer. Small

group dicussion technique also impatced their self-efficacy, self-regulation and their

motivation in learning English. However, this technique still had the weakness during it

implementation. The students were complaining about the passive member of group and

the noise which made the learning activity no longer conducive. Therefore, the teacher

was suggested to be more active in handling the class. 

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