JUDUL:The Correlation Between Students’ Mastery of Past Tense and Their Ability in Writing Recount Text at Eleventh Grade Students of Isfi Vocational School Banjarmasin Academic Year 2018/2019
PENGARANG:Yulinda Noor A

As one of the lexicogrammar features in recount passage, past tense is required to produce a good recount passage. The aim of this study is To discover thecorrelation between EFL pupils’ mastery over past tense as well as their capability in writing recount passage. In achieving the aim of the research, the analyst conducted a study that was consisted of two tests; past tense test and writing recount test. The type of this study is correlational study with quantitative approach. The population of this study were  the eleventh grade EFL pupils. The sample were 29 EFL pupils from XI A class. The sample waere taken by implementing cluster random sampling technique. The data of this study were the EFL pupils’s scores on both of the tests. As this study implemented correlational research, the data was manually and statistically calculated by implementing Pearson Product Moment correlation formula. The obtained of r value was 0.211 and the critical value of r table with α = 5% and df = 29-2 = 27 was 0.381. Since the r value was lower than r table, then the correlation coefficient was not substantial and the null hypothesis was accepted. In other words, we could conclude that there is no substantial correlation between EFL pupils’ mastery over past tense as well as their capability in constructing recount passage. It is suggested to the future study to take other factorsas consideration when conducting a study relating to the correlation between language skills with language components. 


Keywords: Correlation, Past Tense Mastery, Recount passage,Writing Ability.

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