JUDUL:Karakteristik Kimia Dan Sensori Telur Asin Hasil Fermentasi Garam Beriodium Dengan Berbagai Suhu Penyimpanan


Iodine deficiency is a big problem in some countries, especially developing countries. So we need an alternative so that interference due to iodine deficiency can be overcome, namely by adding iodine in a food. Eggs are one of the food products that have high nutrition and are well liked by the general public. However, eggs are easily damaged so we need a way to overcome this, namely the marinating process. In this study iodine salt and krosok salt are used as a comparison. Storage is carried out at different temperatures namely 5, 28 and 40oC. The type of salt and storage temperature are factors that influence the quality of salted eggs.


The purpose of this study was to analyze the various effects of storage temperature of salted egg fermented by iodized salt on chemical and sensory quality reduction. The method used is a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 2 factors including, factor I is the use of salt (P) consisting of iodized salt (P1) and krosok salt (P2). Factor II is the storage temperature of salted eggs (A) consisting of 5ºC (A1), 28ºC (A2) and 40ºC (A3).


The results of the study of salted eggs for 40 days of storage are an increase in water content at 5oC, 28oC and a decrease in water content at 40oC, an insignificant change in ash content, a decrease in protein content and an increase in salt content and iodine content . The results of sensory analysis (scoring) of salted eggs during storage, the taste did not change significantly, namely salty, the color of the yolk had increased, the white color had changed from brownish yellow to brown, the aroma had decreased from strong to somewhat weak, and the texture at 5oC, 28oC changes from slightly hard to soft and at a temperature of 40oC from slightly hard to hard. Total Plate Count at a temperature of 40oC still meets the standard that is below 1 X 105 CFU / g, while at a temperature of 5oC and 28oC has exceeded the standard number of the Total Plate Count. The best salted eggs are based on sensory and chemical analysis which refers to SNI 01-4277-1996 about salted eggs and the number of TPC refers to SNI 7388-2009 about fresh eggs. The best salted eggs are salted eggs with iodized salt and stored at 40oC.


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