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Plant classification

Pengarang : Lyman Benson -

JARAK pagar, tanaman penghasil biodiesel cet. 4.

Pengarang : Erliza Hambali ... et al. -

Manual of cultivated plants

Pengarang : L.H. Bailey -

Anatomy of seed plants Ed.2

Pengarang : Katherine Esau -

Plant growth and development

Pengarang : A. Carl Leopold - Paul E. Kriedemann -

Plant function and structure

Pengarang : Victor A. Greulach -

Plant life in malaya

Pengarang : R. E. Holttum -

The physiology of plant growth and development

Pengarang : Edited : Malcolm B. Wilkins -

Plant structure, function and adaptation

Pengarang : Edited : M.A. Hall -

Plant anatomy Ed.2

Pengarang : Katherine Esau -

Economic botany

Pengarang : Pooja -

Textbook of Economic Botany

Pengarang : Shubhrata R. Mishra -

An introduction to plant anatomy

Pengarang : Arthur J. Eames - Laurence H. MacDaniels -

Taksonomi tumbuhan obat-obatan cet.3

Pengarang : Gembong Tjitrosoepomo -

Taksonomi tumbuhan ( spermatophyta ) cet. 11

Pengarang : Gembong Tjitrosoepomo -

Morphology of plants and fungsi

Pengarang : Harold C. Bold - Constantine J. Alexopoulos - Theodore Delevoryas -

Fire ecology

Pengarang : Henry A. Wright - Arthur W. Bailey -

Environment and plant ecology Ed 2

Pengarang : John R.Etherington -

Vegetation dynamics

Pengarang : John Miles -

Methods of plant breeding Ed . 2

Pengarang : Herbert Kendall Hayes - Forrest Rhinehart Imner - David Clyde Smith -

Aims and methods of vegetation ecology

Pengarang : Dieter Mueller - Dombois - Heinz Ellenberg -

Anatomi tumbuhan Ed 3 cet 2

Pengarang : Fahn, A (diterj oleh Ahmad Soediarto ) -

Morfology of vaseular plants

Pengarang : Arthur J. Eames -

Dasar-dasar biokimia

Pengarang : Albert L. Lehninger (diterj oleh Maggy Thenawijaya) -

An introduction to plant anatomy

Pengarang : Arthur J. Eames - Laurence H. MacDaniels -

Prosiding : Seminar Nasional lahan basah Tahun 2016 jilid 3.

Pengarang : Moehamad Arief Soendjoto ; Maulana Khalid Riefani. -

PHYSIOLOGICALl aspects of Crop yield

Pengarang : Editor : Jerry D. Eastin -

Principles of genetics 2 EDISI

Pengarang : Irwin H. Herskowitz -
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