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Pengantar Fisika Tanah

Pengarang : Robiyanto Hendro Susanto - Rahmad Hari Purnomo -

Soil Physical Chemistry

Pengarang : Donald L. Sparks -

The Chemistry Of Soil Constituents

Pengarang : D.J Greenland - M.H Hayes -

Soil Science Agriculture And Environmental Principles

Pengarang : Stephen J. Thein - John G. Gravel -

Chemical Equilibria In Soil

Pengarang : Willard L. Lindsay -

Soil Chemistry And Its Applications

Pengarang : Ken Killham - Malcom Cresser - Tony Edwards -

Soil And Plant Analysis

Pengarang : C.S Piper -

Acid Sulfhate Weathering

Pengarang : J.A kittrick - D.S Fanning - L.R Hossner -

Modeling Chemical Transport In Soil

Pengarang : Hossein Ghadiri -

Chemical Equilibria In Soil

Pengarang : Willard L. Lindsay -

Advances In Soil Science

Pengarang : B.A Stewart -

Soil Science Analyses

Pengarang : Denis Baize -

Advances In Soil Science

Pengarang : B.A Stewart -

Acid Sulfhate Soil In The Humid Tropics

Pengarang : O. Klepper - Gt. Chairuddin - Gt. M. Hatta -

Soil Chemistry

Pengarang : D.S Orlov -

Chemistry Of The Soil

Pengarang : Firman E. Bear -

Acid Sulfhat Weathering

Pengarang : J.A kittrick - D.S Fanning - I.R Hossner -

The Surface Chemistry Of Soil

Pengarang : Garrison Sposito -

Interactions At The Soil Colloid-Soil Solution Interface

Pengarang : G.H Bolt - M.F De Boodt - M.H Hayes, et all -

Handbook Of Soil Acidity

Pengarang : Zdenko Rengel -

Acid Sulphate Soil In the humid Tropics

Pengarang : O. Klepper - Gt. Chairuddin - Gt. M Hatta -

Fundamental Of Soil Science

Pengarang : Henry D. Foth -

Heavy Metal Contamination Of Soil

Pengarang : Iqbal Ahmad - S. Hayat - John Pichtel -

Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Tanah

Pengarang : Henry D. Foth -

Soil Physical Chemistry

Pengarang : Donald L.Sparks -

Applied Soil Physics

Pengarang : R. J Hanks - G. L Ashcroft -

Soil And Plant Analysis For Tree Culture

Pengarang : S.A Wilde, R.B Corey, J.G Iyer, et all -

ovgano-clay complexes and interactions

Pengarang : Shmuel Yariv, Harold Cross -

Soil Physics

Pengarang : Helmut Kohnke -

Mekanika Tanah 1

Pengarang : G. Djatmiko Soedarmo - S.J Edy Purnomo -

Clay Controling The Environment

Pengarang : G.J.Churchman - R.W Fitzpatrick - R.A Enggleton -

Principles Of Soil Physics

Pengarang : Rattan Lal - Manoj K.Shukla - Rattan Lai -

Soil Physics

Pengarang : Wiliams A. Jury - Wilford R. Gardner - Walter H. Gardner -

Soil Physics

Pengarang : L.D Baver -

Soil Physics

Pengarang : B.P Ghildyal - R.P Tripathi -

Soil and Their Enviroment

Pengarang : John J.Hassett / Wayne L.Banwart -

Enviromental Soil Physics

Pengarang : Daniel Hillel -

Scalling In Soil Physics: Principles And Applications

Pengarang : Daniel Hillel - David E.Elrick -

Soil Compaction In Crop Production

Pengarang : B. D Soane - C. Van Ouwerkerk -

Soil Their Physics And Chemistry

Pengarang : Firman E.Bear -

Modification Of Soil Structure

Pengarang : W.W Emerson - R.D Bond - A.R Dexter -
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