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Physics 5th Edition

Pengarang : Halliday, David Resnick, Robert -

Planning & design of airports

Pengarang : Horonjeff, Robert -

Population And Development Revuew

Pengarang : Population Council -

Practical Research

Pengarang : Leedy, Pauld D. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis -

Preventing Earthquake Disasters

Pengarang : Council, National Research -

Probability, Random Variables and Stohastic Processes 4th Edition

Pengarang : Papoulis, Athanasios Pillai, S. Unnikrishna -

Project Manajement

Pengarang : Sthub, Avraham Bard, Jonathan F. -

Reinforced Concrete Slab

Pengarang : Park, Robert Gamble, William L. -

Safety and Health in Building and Civil Engineering Work

Pengarang : Office, International Labour -

Sifat-sifat Fisis dan Geoteknis Tanah

Pengarang : Bowles, Joseph E. Hainim, Joham K. -

Simplified Design of Structures

Pengarang : Ambrose, James -

Soil Behavior and Soft Ground Construction

Pengarang : Germaine, John T. Sheahan, Thomas C. -

Soils and Foundations

Pengarang : Liu, Cheng Evett, Jack B. -

Sound Control in Building

Pengarang : Simons, M. W. Waters, J. R. -

Structural Steel Selection Consideration

Pengarang : Bjorhovde, Reidar Engstrom, Michael F. -

Structural Steelwork

Pengarang : Ray, S. S. -

Survei dan Perencanaan Lintas Jalur

Pengarang : Meyer, Carl F. Gibson, David W. -

The Accounting Reviev

Pengarang : Ameican Accounting Association -

The Asian Journal of Technology Management

Pengarang : Dr. Budhi Arta Surya -

Theory of Struktures Second Edition

Pengarang : Timoshenko, S. P. Young, D. H. -

Tiebacks in Foundation Engineering and Construction

Pengarang : Schnabel, Harry Schnabel, Harry W. -

Timber Engineering

Pengarang : Thelandersson, Sven Larsen, Hans J. -

Traffic & Highway Engineering

Pengarang : Garber, Nicholas J. Hoel, Lester A. -

Traffic Engineering

Pengarang : Roess, Roger P. Prassas, Elena S,. -

Transportation Engineering & Planning

Pengarang : Papacostas, C. S. Prevedouros, P. D. -

Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering

Pengarang : McCabe, Warren L. Smith, Julian C. -

Urban Hydrology

Pengarang : Lazaro, Timothy R. -

Vector Mechanics for Engineers

Pengarang : Beer, Ferdinand P. Johnston, E. Russell -

Water Resource Engineering

Pengarang : Wurbs, Raplh A. James, Wesley P. -

Wood Engineering and Construction Handbook

Pengarang : Faherty, Keith G. Williamson, Thomas G. -
 Halaman Pertama   Sebelumnya   131   132   133   134