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Environmental biolechnology : Principles and applications

Author(s) : Bruce E.Rittmann -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Pengantar teknologi bioproses

Author(s) : Misri Gozan - Editor: Lameda Simarmata -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Bioteknologi Pertanian

Author(s) : Triwibowo Yuwono -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

An introduction to fungal biotechnology

Author(s) : Wainwright M -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

ADVANCES in biochemical engineering/ biotechnology : marine biotechnology I

Author(s) : Editor : Scheper, T -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

ADVANCES in biochemical engineering/ biotechnology : marine biotechnology II

Author(s) : Editor : Scheper, T -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Agricultural Biotechnology : Prospects for the third world.

Author(s) : Edited : Farington, John -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Experimental desing in biotechnology

Author(s) : Haaland, Perry D -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Environmental biolechnology : Principles and applications

Author(s) : Rittmann, Bruce E -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Environmental biotechnology : prinsiples and applications

Author(s) : Rittmann, Bruce E -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Environmental engineering

Author(s) : Basak, N.N -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Environmental, health, and safety portable

Author(s) : Wodside, Gayle -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

BIOSCIENCE, biotechnology and biochmistry.

Author(s) : J. STAGE -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Biosynthesis of the major crop products

Author(s) : John, Philip -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

BIOTECHNOLOGY and applied biochemistry.

Author(s) : Portland Press -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Biotechnology from A to Z

Author(s) : Bains, William -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Bioteknologi : potensi dan keberhasilannya dalam bidang pertanian

Author(s) : Nasir, M -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Bioteknologi pertanian cet.6.

Author(s) : yuwono, Triwibowo -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Bioteknologi untuk pangan dan kesehatan

Author(s) : Slamet- Loedin -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang