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Keragaman besi larut pada sawah di lahan pasang surut.

Author(s) : MUHAMMAD SANDI -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Korelasi rasio kation basa dan asam dengan beberapa sifat kimia tanah.

Author(s) : Brasco Rianaldo -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Agroekosistem tanah mineral masam cet. 1

Author(s) : Muhammad Faiz Barchia -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Dasar-dasar kimia tanah

Author(s) : Kim H. Tan ( Diterj Didiek Hadjar Goenadi ) -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Analisis kuantitatif perilaku pestidida di tanah cet. 1.

Author(s) : Edia Rahayuningsih -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

The CHEMISTRY of soil constituents

Author(s) : Ed. D. J. Greenland -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil chemistry

Author(s) : Hinrich L. Bohn -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL protozoa

Author(s) : Ed. J. F. Darbyshire -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL chemistry B. Physico - chemical models

Author(s) : Ed. Bolt -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL chemistry : A basic elements

Author(s) : Ed. G.H. Bolt -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Agroekosistem tanah mineral masam

Author(s) : Muhammad Faiz Barchia -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang