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Korban pembebasan tanah perspektif viktimologis

Author(s) : Editor : Diah Savitri -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Tanah dan pengolahan

Author(s) : Yuswar Yunus -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL science and sustainable land management in the tropics

Author(s) : Editor : J. K. Syers - D. L. Rimmer -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil mechanics and foundations

Author(s) : Muni Budhu -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL microbial associations : control of structures and functions

Author(s) : Ed. Vlastimil Vancura -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil and water conservation engineering

Author(s) : Delmar D. Fangmeier ,... Et al -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil microscopy and micromarphology

Author(s) : Ewart Adsil Fitzpatrick -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Tropical soils and fertileser use

Author(s) : Peter Martin Ahn -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL color

Author(s) : Ed. J.M. Bigham & E.J. Ciolkosz -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil fertility

Author(s) : Henry D. Foth -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soils and the emvironment : an introduction

Author(s) : Alan Wild -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

SOIL and water conservation engineering

Author(s) : Glenn O. Schwab -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

RUSSELL S soil conditions and plant growth

Author(s) : Ed. Alan Wild -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil science : Methods and applications

Author(s) : D.L. Rowell -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Tanah dan lingkungan

Author(s) : Tejoyuwono Notohadiprawiro -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Soil science and management

Author(s) : Edward J. Plaster -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Pertanian lahan gambut : potensi dan kendala

Author(s) : MUHAMMAD NOOR -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Ilmu Tanah

Author(s) : Harry O. Buckman ( Diterj. Soegiman ) -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Author(s) : Kemas Ali Hanafiah -
Collection Location : Perpustakaan Cabang