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Consumer Behavior

Pengarang : Hoyer, Wayne D. - Deborah J. MacInnis and Rik Pieters -


Pengarang : Stephen P. Robbins …[et.al.] -

Global Marketing

Pengarang : Hollensen, Svend -

Design Basics 3D

Pengarang : Roth, Richard - Stephen Pentak -

Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis

Pengarang : Knut Sydsaeter …[et.al.] -

Biotechnology in Flavor Production

Pengarang : Daphna Havkin-Frenkel and Nativ Dudai -

Block Copolymer Nanocomposites

Pengarang : Galder Kortaberria and Agnieszka Tercjak -

Advanced Financial Reporting An IFRS Perspective

Pengarang : LAM, Nelson - KP Yuen and Jasmine Kwong -

Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach

Pengarang : Lange, Helen - Anthony Saunders and Marcia Millon Cornett -

Biology and Ecology of Carp

Pengarang : Constanze Pietsch and Philipp E, Hirsch -

Analysis for Financial Management

Pengarang : HIGGINS, Robert C. - Jennifer L. Koski and Todd Mitton -

Corporate Financial Accounting

Pengarang : Warren, Carl S. - James M. Reeve and Jonathan E. Duchac -

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

Pengarang : Phillips, Fred - Robert Libby and Patricia A. Libby -

Retailing Management

Pengarang : Levy, Michael - Barton A. Weitz and Dhruv Grewal -


Pengarang : Giambattista, Alan - Betty McCarthy Richardson and Robert C. Richardson -

Process Advancement in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research

Pengarang : Gennady E. Zaikov and Vladimir A. Babkin -

Farm Management

Pengarang : Kay, Ronald D. - William M. Edwards and Patricia A. Duffy -

Food Safety in the Seafood Industry: A Practical Guide for ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 Implementation

Pengarang : Soares, Nuno F. - Cristina M. A. Martins and Antonio A. Vicente -

Hagfish Biology

Pengarang : Susan L. Edwards and Gregory G. Goss -

Foundation of Finance: The Logic and Practice of Financial Management

Pengarang : Keown, Arthur J. - John D. Martin and J. William Petty -

Fundamentals of Investment: Valuation and Management

Pengarang : Jordan, Bradford D. - Thomas W. Miller Jr. and Steven D. Dolvin -

Research Methods for Business Students

Pengarang : Saunders, Mark - Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill -

Physical Anthropology the Essentials

Pengarang : Jurmain, Robert - Lynn Kilgore and Wenda Trevathan -

Normal and Clinical Nutrition

Pengarang : Rolfes, Sharon Rady - Kathryn Pinna and Ellie Whitney -

Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions

Pengarang : Martha J. Bradshaw and Arlene J. Lowenstein -

QGIS and Applications in Agriculture and Forest Volume 2

Pengarang : Nicolas Baghdadi, Clement Mallet and Mehrez Zribi -

Fundamentals of Management

Pengarang : ROBBINS, Stephen P. - Mary Coulter and David A. Decenzo -

Financial Management: Priciples and Applications

Pengarang : Titman, Sheridan - Arthur J. Keown and John D. Martin -

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting

Pengarang : HOYLE, Joe B. - Thomas F. Schaefer and Timothy S. Doupnik -

Physical Geography

Pengarang : Petersen, James F. - Dorothy Sack and Robert E. Gabler -

A Global History of Architecture

Pengarang : CHING, Francis D.K. - Mark Jarzombek and Vikramdity Prakash -

Business Statistics A First Course

Pengarang : Levina, David M. - Kathryn A. Szabat and David F. Stephan -

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

Pengarang : Brealey, Richard A. - Stewart C. Myers and Alan J. Marcus -

Advanced Financial Accounting An IFRS Standars Approach

Pengarang : Tan Hock Neo, Pearl - Lim Chu Yeong and Kuah Ee Wen -

Foundations of Financial Management

Pengarang : Block, Stanley B. - Geoffey A. Hirt and Bartley R. Danielsen -


Pengarang : Newman, Jerry M. - Barry Gerhart and George T. Milkovich -

Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design

Pengarang : Mark Hawley and John Cunning -

Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation

Pengarang : Bruner, Robert F. - Kenneth M. Eades and Michael J. Schill -

Finance: Application and Theory

Pengarang : Cornett, Marcia Millon - Troy A. Adair Jr. and John Nofsinger -

Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore

Pengarang : Yeo, Stanley - Neil Morgan and Chan Wing Cheong -

Biofuels and Bionenergy

Pengarang : John Love and John A. Bryant -

Digital Photography

Pengarang : Warren, Bruce -

Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling

Pengarang : Edwards, C. Henry - David E. Penney and David Calvis -

Managerial Accounting

Pengarang : Warren, Carl S. - James M. Reeve and Jonathan E. Duchac -

Introduction to Managerial Accounting

Pengarang : Brewer, Peter C. - Ray H. Garrison and Eric W. Noreen -
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