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Ditemukan 18 dari pencarian Anda melalui kata kunci: Subject : "Ilmu Kimia"
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A short history of chemistry

Pengarang : ASIMOV, Isaac -

Biofermentasi dan biosintesa protein

Pengarang : F.G. Winarno,Srikandi Fardiaz -

From protyle to proton

Pengarang : W.H. Brock -

General chemistry workbook

Pengarang : PIERCE, Conway,SMITH, R. Nelson -

How to solve general chemistry problems

Pengarang : SORUM, C. H.,BOIKESS, R. S. -

Kimia dasar II

Pengarang : Tresna Sastrawijaya -

Praktikum Kimia 3

Pengarang : BUDIASTRA, A.A. Ketut -

Principles of combustion

Pengarang : KUO, Kenneth Kuan-Yun -

Problems for inorganic chemistry

Pengarang : DOUGLAS, Bodie E.,McDANIEL, Darl H.,ALEXANDER, John J. -

Quantum chemistry

Pengarang : LEVINE, Ira N -

Solid state chemistry and physics

Pengarang : WELLER, Paul F. -

The development of modern chemistry

Pengarang : IHDE, Aaron J. -

Theory and problems of college chemistry

Pengarang : ROSENBERG, Jerome L. -