JUDUL:REPRESENTASI KEKERASAN DALAM FILM (Analisis Isi Kualitatif Kekerasan dalam Film “The Grand Budapest Hotel“)


Ridho Saputra, 1610414610021, 2020 Representasi Kekerasan dalam Film (Analisis Isi Kualitatif Kekerasan dalam Film “The Grand Budapest Hotel”). Dibimbing oleh Siswanto Rawali dan M.Muthahhari Ramadhani.

Film The Grand Budapest Hotel merupakan film yang bergenre komedi dan drama yang mengangkat kisah hotel the grand Budapest. Peneliti meneliti adegan kekerasan dalam film The Grand Budapest Hotel karena film ini bergenre komedi yang identik dengan adegan lucu, namun di film ini ada menampilkan adegan kekerasan verbal dan non verbal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana adegan kekerasan direpresentasikan dalam film komedi The Grand Budapest Hotel. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif dengan penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer, didapat dari observasi Sedangkan, data sekunder didapat dari bentuk soft file yang berformat mkv, buku, jurnal dan dokumen lain. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis ini kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam peneliti adalah teori representasi berdasarakan Stuart Hall dan analisis isi berdasarkan Burhan Bungin.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 17 scene yang berhubungan dengan adegan kekerasan yang didominasi oleh kekerasan nonverbal seperti mendorong, melempar, menodong, memukul dan lainnya. Kekerasan direpresentasikan bejumlah 12 scene dan kekerasan verbal berupa sindiran, ancaman dan ejekan yang berjumlah 5 scene dapat disimpulkan bahwa film The Grand Budapest Hotel kekerasan yang muncul adalah kekerasan non verbal seperti menodong senjata, mengancam dan lain-lain. Hal ini perlu dicermati oleh penonton karena dalam memilih tontonan tidak hanya berdasarkan rating film tetapi juga harus melihat isi dan substansi dari film tersebut.

Kata kunci : Analisis Isi, Film, Representasi, Kekerasan Verbal, Kekerasan Non Verbal


Ridho Saputra, 1610414610021, 2020 Representation of Violence in Films (Qualitative Content Analysis of Violence in the Film "The Grand Budapest Hotel"). Supervised by Siswanto Rawali and M. Muthahhari Ramadhani.

The film The Grand Budapest Hotel is a comedy and drama genre film that tells the story of The Grand Budapest Hotel. The Researcher examined violent scenes in the film The Grand Budapest Hotel because this film is a comedy genre that identical to funny scenes, but in this film there are scenes of verbal and non-verbal violence. This study aimed to determine how violent scenes were represented in the comedy film The Grand Budapest Hotel. This study used a qualitative content analysis method with descriptive research and used data collection techniques consisting of primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained from observations. Meanwhile, the secondary data obtained from soft files in .mkv format, books, journals, other documents. The data analysis technique used in this research was qualitative analysis techniques. The theory used in this research was representation theory based on Stuart Hall and content analysis based on Burhan Bungin.

The results showed that there were 17 scenes associated with violent scenes which were dominated by non-verbal violence such as pushing, throwing, pointing, hitting and others. Violence was represented in 12 scenes and verbal violence in the form of insinuations, threats and ridicule totaling 5 scenes. In conclusion, the violence that appears in the film The Grand Budapest Hotel is non-verbal violence such as pointing weapons, threatening and others. This needs to be paid close attention to by the audience because in choosing what to watch, it is not only based on the film rating but also has to look at the content and substance of the film.

Keywords: Content Analysis, Film, Representation, Verbal Violence, Non-Verbal Violence

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