



Setyoningsih. 2022. Hubungan antara Etos Kerja dan Komitmen Kerja dengan Kinerja melalui Motivasi Berprestasi Guru SDN di Kecamatan Paringin. Tesis. Program Magister Administrasi Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Hj. Aslamiah, M.Pd., Ph.D, (II) Dr. H. A. Muhyani Rizalie, M.Si



Kata Kunci: etos kerja, komitmen kerja, motivasi berprestasi, kinerja


Kinerja merupakan hasil kerja yang telah dicapai seseorang sesuai dengan tugas dan perannya sesuai dengan tujuan sekolah yang dihubungkan dengan standar kinerja tertentu. Hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui perilaku-perilaku guru tersebut jelas sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mewujudkan tujuan sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis: (1) etos kerja, komitmen kerja, motivasi berprestasi, dan kinerja (2) adakah hubungan langsung antara: (a) etos kerja dan kinerja, (b) komitmen kerja dan kinerja, (c) motivasi berprestasi dan kinerja, (d) etos kerja dan motivasi berprestasi, (e) komitmen kerja dan motivasi berprestasi, (3) adakah hubungan tidak langsung antara (a) etos kerja dan kinerja melalui motivasi berprestasi, (b) komitmen kerja dan kinerja melalui motivasi berprestasi

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian desktriptif-kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 109 orang guru SDN Kecamatan Paringin. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data yaitu angket yang telah memenuhi syarat uji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisis data untuk menguji hipotesis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis).

Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) etos kerja, komitmen kerja, motivasi berprestasi, kinerja dan kriteria tinggi, (2) ada hubungan langsung antara: (a) etos kerja dan kinerja sebesar 0,430, (b) komitmen kerja dan kinerja sebesar 0,305, (c) motivasi berprestasi dan kinerja sebesar 0,348, (d) etos kerja dan motivasi berprestasi sebesar 0,416, (e) komitmen kerja dengan motivasi berprestasi sebesar 0,535, (3) adakah hubungan tidak langsung antara (a) etos kerja dan kinerja melalui motivasi berprestasi sebesar 0,145 (b) komitmen kerja dan kinerja melalui motivasi berprestasi sebesar 0,186.

Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian adalah ada hubungan etos kerja, komitmen kerja, motivasi berprestasi, terhadap kinerja. Disarankan bagi kepala sekolah untuk membina etos kerja, komitmen kerja, motivasi berprestasi, dan kinerja guru.  Bagi guru diharapkan untuk selalu meningkatkan kinerja terutama dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar.  





Setyoningsih.2022. The Relationship between Work Ethic and Work Commitment with Performance through Achievement Motivation of Elementary School Teachers in Paringin District. Thesis. Masters Program in Educational Administration, University of Lambung Mangkurat. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Hj. Aslamiah, M.Pd., Ph.D, (II) Dr. H. A. Muhyani Rizalie, M.Sc



Keywords: work ethic, work commitment, achievement motivation, performance


Performance is the result of work that has been achieved by someone in accordance with their duties and roles in accordance with school goals associated with certain performance standards. This can be done through teacher behaviors that are clearly very necessary to be able to realize school goals. This study aims to describe and analyze: (1) work ethic, work commitment, achievement motivation, and performance (2) is there a direct relationship between: (a) work ethic and performance, (b) work commitment and performance, (c) motivation achievement and performance, (d) work ethic and achievement motivation, (e) work commitment and achievement motivation,(3) is there an indirect relationship between (a) work ethic and performance through achievement motivation, (b) work commitment and performance through achievement motivation

This research is a descriptive-quantitative research. The number of samples in this study were 109 SDN teachers in Paringin District.The sampling technique uses proportional random sampling. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire that has fulfilled the validity and reliability test requirements. Data analysis to test the hypothesis using path analysis (path analysis).

The results showed: 1) work ethic, work commitment, achievement motivation, performanceand high criteria, (2) there is a direct relationship between: (a) work ethic and performanceof 0.430, (b) work commitment and performanceof 0.305, (c) achievement motivation and performanceof 0.348, (d) work ethic and achievement motivationof 0.416, (e) work commitment with achievement motivationof 0.535,(3) is there an indirect relationship between (a) work ethic and performance through achievement motivationof 0.145(b) work commitment and performance through achievement motivationof 0.186.

The conclusion from the research results is that there is a relationship between work ethic, work commitment, achievement motivation, and performance. It is recommended for school principals to foster a work ethic, work commitment, achievement motivation, and teacher performance. Teachers are expected to always improve performance, especially in teaching and learning activities.



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