
ABSTRACTRauf Rulisandy D1B114239.The Process of Implementing the LAPOR! Program(Online Community Complaint Service) Banjarmasin City government.. As the 1st supervisor Mr Pathurrahman and mentor 2, Mrs. Siti HamidahLAPOR! program implementation expected by the regional government of Banjarmasin City is to be able to accommodate all opinions, aspirations, complaints, complaints, to request information from the government. Besides being able to resolve various complaints from the public, the government can use LAPOR! as a means to encourage openness of institutions as an effort to improve the quality of public services. The purpose of this study is to find out about the implementation of the LAPOR! Program policy in the absorption of community aspirations in the city of Banjarmasin in the province of South Kalimantan. Factors constraining the implementation of policies in the LAPOR! program in the absorption of community aspirations in the city of Banjarmasin in the province of South Kalimantan.This research method uses a qualitative approach or case study method. Informants namely Mayor, Head of Subdivision, Sub-District Head and community, Techniques for collecting data on observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using interactive qualitative is trying to develop by asking directly from the results of the study and examining the data found in the field.The results show that the LAPOR! Program implementation policy in the absorption of aspirations of the community in the city of Banjarmasin in the province of South Kalimantan, in terms of resources, they are still lacking, especially in relation to facilities in the LAPOR! implementation. People don't understand the meaning of LAPOR! that this right can add to the community's familiarity with the Banjarmasin City SKPD. The SKPD is responsible for explaining the LAPOR! program to the community so that they understand more about the program. Constraints to implementing the LAPOR! Program policy in carrying out the service process to the people of Banjarmasin city is the lack of funds budgeted in the implementation so that at the time of the implementation of the community held a fundraising to meet the shortcomings in its implementation.The suggestion of this research is to further socialize the LAPOR! program to all walks of life both by going straight to the house or by using billboards as a promotion of public services to the people of Banjarmasin City.Keywords: Policy Implementation, LAPOR!

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