



Kurnando Tito. 2019. Meningkatkan keterampilan menulis pengumuman menggunakan kombinasi model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). Dengan Model Examples Non Examples dan Snowball Throwing di Kelas 4 SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai Dosen pembimbing  Drs. H. Mahlan Asmar, M.Pd



Kata Kunci : Menulis pengumuman kombinasi model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) DenganModel Examples Non Examples dan Snowball Throwing


Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kurang mampu memahami pengumuman, tidak terlihat antusias siswa dalam pembelajaran, dan siswa kurang mampu menulis pengumuman dengan ejaan yang benar. Oleh karena itu, perlu digunakan kombinasi model Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) dengan model Examples Non Examples dan model Snowball Throwing di kelas 4 SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai.

Jenis penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, tiap siklus terdiri dari 2 kali pertemuan. setting penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 4 SDN SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai tahun ajaran 2019/2020 dengan jumlah 15 orang yang terdiri 10 orang laki-laki dan 5 orang perempuan. Jenis data yang diperoleh data kualitatif (aktivitas guru dan siswa) yang diperoleh melalui teknik observasi dan data kuantitatif (hasil belajar siswa) diperoleh melalui teknis tes. Data dianalisis dengan teknik persentase dan penskoran. sedangkan indikator keberhasilan penelitian ini adalah apabila aktivitas guru mencapai ≥32 atau kualifikasi sangat baik. rata rata kelas aktivitas siswa ≥81% (sangat aktif), rata rata klasikal siswa aktivitas siswa ≥ 80% siswa berkualifikasi aktif dan sangat aktif dan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal ≥80% siswa memperoleh nilai ≥ 70%.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas guru pada siklus I pertemuan I memperoleh skor 21 (baik) dan pada siklus II Pertemuan 2 memperoleh skor 30 (Sangat baik). Aktivitas  siswa pada siklus I pertmuan 1 sebesar 50,67 ( Siswa cukup aktif) dan pada siklus 1 Pertemuan II sebesar 65,20% ( siswa aktif) siklus II pertemuan I 82,67% (siswa sudah sangat aktif).Dan pada siklus II pertemuan II sebesar 90,67%. Hasil belajar siklus I pertemuan I 53% menjadi 67% pada siklus II pertemuan I, dan siklus I pertemuan II sebesar 77% menjadi 87% pada siklus II pertemuan II dengan materi yang sama.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan kombinasi  Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition Dengan Model Examples Non Examples and Snowball Throwing dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil belajar menulis pengumuman di kelas 4 SDN SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai. Adapun saran yang dikemukakan peneliti secara umum agar penggunaan kombinasi Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition Dengan Model Examples Non Examples dan Snowball Throwing dapat ditetapkan pada pembelajaran bahasa indonesia dengan memperhitungkan meningkatkannya aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil belajar.            








Kurnando Tito 2019. Improve the writing skills the  announcement using a combination of model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition of Model Examples Non Examples  and Snowball Throwing the 4th grade SDN SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung BarabaiBanjarmasin supervisor Drs. H. Mahlan Asmar, M.Pd


Keywords  :   Writing the announcement a combination of model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition Dengan Model Examples Non Examples  and Snowball Throwing.


The problem in this research is  studebts less engage themselver acively, not directly involved in the learning process. and not use the coopertatif, the activity, the student is skill lacking, and each student has characteristics and different intellectual. therefore it is necessary to use a combination of model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) with model Examples Non Examples with the model of Snowball Throwing to class 4 SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai.

That is able provide innovation in learning in order to improve the activity of the teacher, students and learning outcomes. This thpe of research which usedis classroom action research conducted in cycles. each cycle consists of 2 meeting the setting of this research us students of class  4 SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai academic year 2018/2019. with this number of 15 people which consists of 10 men’s and 5 women. the type of data obtained qualitative data (student and teacher and qualitative data (student and teacher activity) obtained.

Data were analyzed with the technique of percentage and scoring. while the indicator of the success of this research is that if the activity of the guri achieve > 32 of the qualification very good. average class student activity ≥81% (very good) average classical student activity  student ≥ 80% students qualified (active and very active)  and student learing out comes in the classical ≥ 80% student gain the value of ≥ 70%.

The results showed that the activing of the teacher in cycle I of  meeting I obtain 2 score of 21 (good) an tge second cycle to abtain a score of 30 (very active)  the activity of students in the avorago cycle meeting I ,50,67% ( guite active) and in cycle 1 meeting II 65,20% (most student are active) cycle II meeting I 82,67% (students are already very active). And cycle I of meeting II 90,67%(students are already very active).Thw resulth of the learning cycle I of meeting I 53% to 67% in cycle II meeting I an cycle II meeting of 77% to 87% in cycle II meeting II with the same material.          

Based on this research, it concluted that the use of a a combination of model Coperative Integrated Reading and Composition with Examples Non Examples with theand Snowball Throwing.  can increase the activity of the teacher activity siswam an the resulth of learning the write announcement in the  4th grade SDN 2 Mahang Matang Landung Barabai. As for the suggestions that are presemedd by the research in general so the use of a combination of Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition  (CIRC) with model Examples Non Examples variation of Snowball Drilling can be set in indonesian language learning by taking into account the in creased activity of the teacher students and learning oit comes.


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